Hamas is the Arabic acronym for resistance movement. Specifically, it has come to mean the Palestinian resistance movement to Israeli occupation. Just like the French resistance to Nazi occupation in the early 40's, Hamas is a home-grown organization made up of patriots seeking self determination and fighting for the liberation of their homeland, Palestine.
Hamas's Goals
The Self Autonomy Lie
The self-autonomy zones that Prime Minister Natanyahu is proposing, or imposing, are modeled after the hometowns rule that use to exist in South Africa. When apartheid was at its height and the non-white South African population refused to live as second class citizens, the South African government suggested the formation of hometowns. A hometown is basically a powerless, ineffective state within a state. It has the authority to build roads, collect garbage, police traffic, impose tax and other trivial duties. Real power rested with the South African government and its racist regime. The West Bank autonomy zones that Israel wants to create are almost identical. In these zones, the Palestinian authority will have no real power accept the power to oppress Palestinian civilians. The Palestinian people want nothing less then a sovereign state on Palestinian soil.
A helpless woman and child thrown out of their homes in Jerusalem.