I'm registered with Iraqi Net, and recently recieved this letter
Dear Sir/Madam
This is a letter written by the Iraqi Medical Association (UK) to president Bill Clinton, Mr Tony Blair, the leaders of the conservative, liberal democratic and all other parties. It reflects the views of the Iraqi medical, dental, pharmaceutical and allied professionals in the UK on the current crisis..................
Dear President Clinton/ Mr Blair etc
I write to you on behalf of the Membership of The Iraqi Medical Association (UK) which consists of doctors, dentists and pharmacists, all of Iraqi origin, who have been in the UK between one to three decades serving this countrys National Health Service. We are a professional and strictly non-political organisation and our Membership is drawn from various Iraqi communities, Arabs, Kurds, Muslims, Christians and other minorities.
We write to emphasise the immense suffering which the Iraqi Nation has endured following the destruction of civilian amenities during the Gulf War and the economic sanctions since. Over 1.25 million Iraqi civilians have died as a direct consequence of the war and the sanctions. We also have alarming reports from both international sources, and from our colleagues inside Iraq, as to the high incidence of childhood leukaemia and other cancers. This is in addition to the extreme shortages of medicines and medical equipment. All this in a country which was previously well developed and with a high standard of living. There have been no victors among the civilian population and the majority of the victims are the children, the old and the sick.
We are horrified at the prospect of another military strike against Iraq as the action taken seven years ago devastated the country and left it helpless. Any new strike will only compound its misery. We fear that if the assumption of UNSCOM and the American and British Governments are correct, then the possible release of chemical and biological agents could wipe out whole cities and huge swathes of this region, which has been considered the cradle of civilisation, will be destroyed for ever. We have no doubt that the US and UK Governments will not deliberately hit such targets, however the possibility of accidental strike remains real. Whilst in the case of the Al-Ameriya Air Shelter hundreds of civilians died, on this occasion it will be another holocaust. Most Iraqi people have old and strong ties with both the USA and the UK, historically, culturally and academically and look to both USA and Britain as a symbol of democracy and justice. It will be a very sad day indeed if these bonds are severed by the combined military action of Britain and America.
We plead with you on behalf of our Members and
their families and forthe millions of innocent civilians in Iraq
to consider the endless suffering caused by the inhumanity of the
sanctions and ask you not to proceed with the military strike
which will only increase their despair. What they need is support
through the end of these merciless economic
We are happy to meet with you to convey our message personally.
Yours sincerely
Ismail K Jalili FRCS, FRCOphth
President, Iraqi Medical Association (UK)
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Dr I K Jalili
We need every Iraqi organisation, group, community, and individual to write such letters. Public opinion influences the elections and hence concerns politicians. It's the least we can do.
Best Wishes
May God protect our families in Iraq.
Zaineb Al-Attar